Kristina Headshot

Kristina Demou

Digital Marketing Manager, Partner Engagement


Kristina is a Digital Marketing Manager for Partner Engagement at EAB, Seramount’s parent company. She designs partner web content and keeps partners apprised of product updates through partnership emails and newsletters. Kristina also serves as the Vice Chair for Marketing and Communications in EAB’s LGBTQ+ employee resource group, OUT@EAB. She promotes ERG events and resources across the firm and generates awareness of the ERG for potential new members.
Kristina has a background in higher education, having previously worked in college admissions. She’s passionate about the opportunities education provides to students and loves getting to support that mission at EAB. Kristina holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and a Masters of Business Administration, both from the University of Delaware. She lives in Delaware with her dog, Cooper.





Content by Kristina Demou
Blog Posts