Blog Post

Telling the DEI Story with Data: 3 Common Methods to Communicate DEI Effectively

By Tony Giannotti and Joaquin Ross
December 11, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), organizations are faced with the challenge of not only crafting robust strategies but also effectively communicating these initiatives to various departments and stakeholders. For CDOs, CHROs, and Talent leaders, the responsibility lies not only in building comprehensive DEI frameworks but also in sharing the story in a way that is informative, easily digestible, and actionable. Crucially, when making the case for DEI, it is paramount to position it as a business driver, aligning with organizational goals and objectives. Data, therefore, is a piece of the foundation upon which this narrative stands, reinforcing the tangible impact of DEI initiatives.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into three common methods organizations employ to communicate their DEI strategies effectively, ensuring that the data-driven story resonates with key stakeholders and reinforces the notion that DEI is not just a moral imperative but a strategic imperative.

DEI Reports

DEI reports serve as comprehensive documentation of an organization’s DEI journey. These reports provide in-depth insights into each focus area, showcasing wins, challenges, and future plans aligned with the DEI strategy. Often referred to as transparency reports, they can be shared internally or externally, offering stakeholders a transparent view of the organization’s commitment to DEI.

However, the key to successful DEI reporting lies in careful consideration and strategic planning. Before releasing a report, it is imperative to share it with key leaders internally and externally. This ensures alignment, fosters support, and minimizes potential risks associated with the public disclosure of DEI data. DEI reports, when executed thoughtfully, become a powerful tool to communicate progress, inspire accountability, and showcase the organization’s dedication to fostering an inclusive culture.

DEI Dashboards

DEI dashboards provide real-time insights into critical DEI focus areas, offering a holistic view of ongoing initiatives. While they are a valuable one-stop shop for data, it’s essential to recognize that dashboards alone do not tell the complete story. Instead, they act as a dynamic tool for monitoring progress and identifying areas that require attention.

To maximize the effectiveness of DEI dashboards, organizations must integrate them seamlessly into their communication strategy. These dashboards serve as a visual representation of data, allowing leaders to track key metrics and make informed decisions. When combined with other communication methods, DEI dashboards become an integral part of the narrative, enabling stakeholders to engage with the data in a meaningful way.

DEI Scorecards

DEI scorecards play a crucial role in amplifying and contextualizing the data presented in DEI dashboards. They provide a structured assessment of an organization’s progress, offering insights into whether DEI targets have been met. Scorecards add granularity to the narrative, allowing leaders to gauge the effectiveness of specific initiatives and understand their impact on overall diversity and inclusion goals.

Strategically aligning DEI scorecards with broader communication efforts ensures that stakeholders can interpret the data with clarity. By illustrating the journey toward achieving DEI targets, organizations can foster a sense of accountability and transparency. DEI scorecards, when used judiciously, become a tool for continuous improvement, guiding the refinement of strategies and tactics to achieve lasting impact.


Effectively communicating DEI strategies requires a multifaceted approach, combining detailed reports, real-time dashboards, and insightful scorecards. CDOs, CHROs, and Talent leaders play a pivotal role in shaping the narrative around DEI initiatives, ensuring that the story is not only told but also resonates across the organization. By leveraging these communication methods, organizations can foster a culture of openness, transparency, and inclusivity, driving meaningful progress on the journey toward diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Ready to partner with Seramount to build out your DEI communications strategy? Contact us.

About the Authors

Tony Giannotti Headshot
Tony Giannotti
Senior Associate, Advisory
Joaquin Ross
Senior Associate, Advisory