ERG Leader Certification

A Dedicated Learning EXCHANGE for Employee Resource Group Leaders

Take a unique learning journey alongside peers in other regions, companies, and industries.

Share best practices, ask tough questions, and leverage a global network to advance your organization’s DEI strategy, your ERG’s impact, and your personal growth.  

A Two-Part Curriculum Focuses on ERG Strategy and ERG Leadership

ERG Leader Certification learners complete two programs that include interactive check-ins, videos from industry thought-leaders, action plans and an expansive resource library to complement community interactions. 

Program Components

Cohorts of 50-100 participants 

3-month asynchronous learning journey 

Networking and collaboration

Mobile-friendly platform

Official certification following completion

Pricing: $950 USD per participant; $850 USD for current Seramount partners, bulk discounts 


Register now for Seramount’s Digital Training and Certification for ERG Leaders