shakura headshot

Shakura Brewer

Sr. Manager - IT, CX & Digital

Kohler Energy

Shakura Brewer leads the digital platforms strategy for the Kohler Energy business units at Kohler Company within IT. She is a technology leader who enjoys leveraging technology to create seamless beautiful experiences. Alongside blazing a trail in the underrepresented technology industry, she drives the footprint of community within corporate spaces. She co-founded and developed the BLK Catalyst, a business resource group at Kohler. Business Resource Groups (BRG) are a critical component of creating the culture of inclusion in corporate work environments. While inherently diverse, each BRG at Kohler is united under a common purpose: to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace. The BLK Catalyst BRG pillars are rooted in [1] Recruit, Retain, and Immerse the African diaspora community of Kohler [2] Community Outreach, and [3] Impact product innovation through diverse perspectives and talent. Through the community built through BLK Catalyst, Shakura co-founded the Kohler Women’s Leadership Summit, an internal summit aimed at providing all Kohler associates with the resources, network, and tools to aid in developing skills for high-achieving leadership roles in the organization.

Content by Shakura Brewer