Pride is a time to celebrate and amplify the impact the LGBTQ+ community has had on our workplaces, in our schools and in our communities.
This program will share the stories of individuals, ERGs and community-based organizations that have been on the forefront of driving change and building more inclusive and equitable communities for all. In addition, we will explore intersectionality and the unique challenges LGBTQ+ people of color face both in the workplace and in the community and how organizations can address them.
History of Ballroom with Leiomy/Omari ERG/Company Case Studies Intersectionality POC/LGBTQ
In October 2019, the Equitable Pride ERG launched our company’s first Ally Program aimed at creating awareness and educating employees in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and questioning (LGBTQ+) competencies while also supporting the broader LBGTQ+ community. The Ally program entails a tiered approach in which employees begin by taking the Ally Pledge and secondly, participate in training courses to become a certified Ally. With over 155 registered allies and almost 40 certified allies to date, Pride has established a significant LBGTQ+ alliance within Equitable while also advancing our broader D&I initiatives. The certification courses for the program were co-created with Time Out Youth, a non-profit youth center that offers support, advocacy, training and opportunities for personal development and social interaction for LGBTQ+ youth ages 11-20. In 2019, Time Out Youth served over 1,000 unique youth. This strategic partnership allowed Pride to leverage both the competencies on LGBTQ+ topics from Time Out Youth and the technical skills of Equitable to not only develop reusable learning modules to kick off the Ally program but also create a new platform for Time Out Youth to advance its mission. This program also supports the advocacy work Time Out Youth does in the community by providing a new revenue service as they conduct and provide training to other organizations. In further support of the amazing work that Time Out Youth does and to show our commitment to driving inclusion in the workplace Equitable Foundation donated $10,000 to Time Out Youth, adding to the more than $350,000 our company has contributed to LGTBQ+ sponsorships and initiatives. Equitable takes pride in strengthening the communities in which we live and work. Our Pride ERG embodied this business principle through the creation of this program and its strategic partnerships and investments.