Together at the Helm: The Strategic Alliance of CHRO and CDO

May 21, 2024 | 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EDT Virtual
Free Event

Event Information

In corporate leadership, the configuration of the C-suite can hold the key to innovative approaches aimed at fostering a culture of inclusion and trust. Seramount is embarking on an explorative journey to better understand the importance of CDO and CHRO alignment, particularly focusing on the reporting dynamics between Chief Diversity Officers (CDOs) and Chief Human Resources Officers (CHROs).

Anchoring our investigation is the innovative model adopted by KPMG, where the CDO and CHRO directly report to the CEO, serving together to examine the ripple effects on organizational culture and DEI integration.

Participants Will Hear
  • C-suite reporting structures across sectors, and why it matters, especially for younger generations in the workforce.
  • The collaborative essence between CHROs and CDOs that amplify DEI, exploring how KPMG cultivates trust and engagement from within.
  • Lessons KPMG has learned in their journey to innovative practices to that promote inclusion and belonging.


Subha V. Barry
Subha Barry
elena kpmg
Elena Richards
Chief Diversity Officer
sandy headshot
Sandy Torchia
Chief Human Resources Officer